
Connect Poland Prize

With the participation of The Lublin Science and Technology Park based in Lublin, acting as an Accelerator, AVS Technologies Sp. z o.o. received funding under the Connect Poland Prize project implemented under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020,
Priority Axis 2: Support for enterprises’ environment and the potential to conduct R&D&I activity, Measure 2.5: Acceleration programmes – Poland Prize.
The aim of the Project is to achieve the objectives of the OP IE and the objectives of Measure 2.5 of the OP IE – in particular to improve the innovativeness of the Polish economy by supporting startups from outside Poland in the development of solutions that will respond to the needs of the business customer.

Project implementation date: 01.02.2022 – 03.04.2022
Grant value: 50 000,00 PLN